Youth is “a tribe apart” according to Hersch. Youth has their own customs, language and rituals. All of what I stated above is different with each generation of youth. Some of the things my brothers say and do it very different from when I was a child.
“Youth are in-transition, finding themselves, hormone-driven, emotional, inexperienced, and always in opposition to the adults in their lives.” I believe that being a teenager can be awkward because in essence you are finding who you are going to be but I believe that awkwardness is a rite of passage.
Every youth has a different voice and a different way of using their voice. “Secure the weight of their voice through repetition, reproduction in mainstream text, popular culture and “scientific” studies which naturalize them as a part of the “common sense” of American culture. I agree with this. Youth learn to use their voice because of the media I believe. Magazine and television show them this. That is where they learn social norms. And social norms keep changing because they are now different from when I was a kid.
Adult believe they know youth because they were once youth and because some adults work with youth in their lives. I believe that part of this is true but just because they were young once doesn't mean they fully understand. In today's day in age it is different being young.
Magazine titles such as “what’s wrong with America’s youth?” And “are the kids alright?” Suggests that regardless of gender, race and class all youth are in a crisis. I feel as if that is so wrong to do, this maybe the case for some youth but it isn't all.
Youth are awkward and vulnerable. This is true but like I said above being awkward is a rite of passage and being vulnerable isn't necessarily bad and that gives youth works a job to help vulnerable youth.
I love that you pointed out that every teen has a different way to express themselves! I also agree that the main stream media does have an affect on how they express themselves!