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Youth Development Anchors ⚓️

     Purposeful Play is the idea of learning through playing. Youth workers need to be mindful of learning opportunities during play. Adding values and purpose to play makes it purposeful play. The 6 p’s of Play 
  1. Permission 
  2. Process 
  3. Passion 
  4. Productivity 
  5. Participation 
  6. Pleasure 

     Care in youth work is focusing on the developmental needs of the child. A standard definition of care is “the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.” I believe as youth workers we take that definition to the next level by showing care for our youth and helping them build a better future for themselves. We should feel interested in our youth. As stated in Mapping Interconnected Care there are many ways one can show care including providing snacks when needed, having a clean and organized learning environment and connecting with the youth anyway you can. 


  1. I agree, we do care for youth in a different way. we truly try to prepare them for adulthood and try to give them the skills they need to succeed.

  2. I LOVED reading your blog about care and purposeful play. My favorite part is when you use the definition of care and i feel like a lot of people forgot what it truly means. As youth workers, we do have to show care but we show it in a different way, a way that they feel it and it doesn't have to be stated verbally.


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